Small Business HR Case Study: Westrock Diamonds | Harper Resources
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Westrock Diamonds Logo


HR & recruitment support for an owner’s first hire


Westrock Diamond is a Toronto-based jeweler known for custom, ethically sourced diamond jewelry. Harper Resources was hired to provide full service recruitment and onboarding support to the owner including sourcing, interviewing and onboarding candidates. This included the development of interview resources, offer of employment documents, policies and internal procedure documents and overall added structure with an employee handbook. Harper Resources continues to act as ongoing HR support as needed during the employee lifecycle and ongoing employee record keeping.


  • Develop and write job postings, job descriptions, formal offer of employment documents as well as relevant company policies to be used for recruitment and onboarding.
  • Drafting of employment agreement alongside legal counsel.
  • Advise on and set competitive compensation ranges and executive support salaries.
  • Lead and facilitate the recruitment cycle for all executive and production support roles, including job posting development, sourcing and screening candidates, developing interview questions and leading interviews alongside the CEO.
  • Created clarity in expectations and effective processes for handling day to day HR questions and needs by developing an employee handbook and code of conduct for the Company.
  • Coaching provided to the CEO around how to address performance issues and accountability resulting in stronger communication and greater trust between the owner and the key support role.

Morgan made it possible for me to hire my first employee and I learned so much along the way. I have a newfound appreciation for HR and what goes into recruiting top talent.