Recruitment Case Study: Planet Biogas | Harper Resources | Toronto
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Planet Biogas Logo


Building bench strength for a leading biogas plant manufacturer


PlanET Biogas Solutions is among the top five plant builders in the world, boasting over 450 successful projects. With over 160 employees worldwide, PlanET partnered with Harper Resources for full service recruitment and onboarding support focused on sourcing and screening candidates for multiple roles in Ontario, Canada.


  • Provided full cycle recruitment support for key accounting, business development, and operations roles including job posting development, sourcing and screening candidates, providing interview resources, first day support and candidate communication along the way.
  • Conducting research and advising on compensation ranges and entry salaries for business development, operations and accounting positions.
  • Focused the hiring manager’s time effectively on the right candidates and yielded impressive recruitment ratios between number of applications screened, candidates engaged and interviews conducted.
  • In the Business Development role, we sourced a candidate with unique renewable energy industry experience, contributing to the business in an unexpected and impactful way.

Harper Resources has been instrumental in attracting, screening and supporting high quality candidates for our growing business.  They conduct all facets of their business with great professionalism and the candidates provided to us have been of the highest quality.  We will absolutely continue to use Harper Resources in our future hiring needs.